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Laudato Si'

This section of the parish website has been created to help members of the parish, and others understand and respond to Laudato Si', the letter to humanity from Pope Francis that explores the cry of the earth and the poor and invites Christians and non Christians to join together to address the serious challenges facing our planet and its most vulnerable inhabitants.

The Woolhampton Parish has an initiative across our churches to respond to Laudato Si’ and make a real difference to the world and its poorest. Please use this site to understand Laudato Si’, start to hear the cry of the earth and poor, to see what the parish and others are doing and help decide on your own personal action plan to care for creation.

 Articles and summaries of Laudato Si'


Watch some videos about Laudato Si'
  • The Letter:   Watch the Laudato Si Film 

  • See & Listen to Pope Francis from St. Peter’s balcony in June 2015

  • Watch the beautiful video created by the Vatican


Look at websites that explain Laudato Si'
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