Our next Baptism Preparation Course will be on Sunday 9th February 2025 at 2:30 pm. (This is the first of two sessions.)
If you would like to arrange baptism for your child, please note the following:
Please speak to Fr Alban (either after Mass or via the parish office) to request Baptism.
Requests for Baptism should be made by the parents (not grandparents or friends).
Please contact the Parish Office to register for the course (see below).
The location will be confirmed once you have registered.
Both parents are encouraged to attend the Baptism Preparation Course. Little ones are welcome too.
A date for your child's Baptism can be arranged once you have registered for the course.
Baptism is the first step on the Christian journey, and regular attendance at one of the parish masses is strongly encouraged.
To register, please contact Kathryn at the parish office:
